Education: Round Two
We recently celebrated our second school year with the students from the disabled children’s orphanage in Belivodsk. The director told us that this is the first program of its kind for disabled children in Central Asia. Twelve students went through the school this year; for some it was their second year through the program, for others, it was their first.
We have seen so much change in the hearts of the kids, how they treat each other and view the world. This group of kids knows that without any hope of education, their future is bleak. They all are so happy to be given this opportunity. When we asked one of the students what this opportunity means, she responded that it means “Everything.”
There has been a lot of attention on this class and the Ministry of Social Welfare is beginning to recognize our efforts. This fall we will start two more schools, giving a total of three schools especially for disabled children.
We are also hoping to start this program in Jalalabad, where our CDI team is working in an orphanage similar to Belivodsk. The director has said she will help us start a school there for 10-12 students. In the village of Molovodnia, the director of an orphanage said she would like to partner with us as well. We are so excited to see this project expand and we dream of seeing another in the city of Talas in the near future and maybe in Naryn too!