Children at Risk Program
“Our main goal is to see children living in healthy families where they can reach their potential in all areas social, physical, mental and spiritual.”
The Children at Risk program seeks to restore hope and provide opportunities for a future for children with disabilities. Our main goal is to see children living in healthy families where they can reach their potential in all areas—social, physical, mental, and spiritual. Through therapy, training, and resources, we aim to prevent these children with special needs from ending up on the street or in institutions. We give children and families the tools they need to overcome obstacles and live fruitful and productive lives. Working together with local partners, we empower, encourage, and help provide opportunities for a better future for these children!
Mobility Project
Physical therapy and occupational therapy do not exist as disciplines in this part of the world. CDI brings therapists from outside to work with children with special needs in homes and institutions. These therapists also train caregivers in the basics of physical and occupational therapy so that more children have opportunities to develop their full capacity of mobility, leading to greater independence and hope for the future.
Education Project
Until recently the nation of Kyrgyzstan provided no education for children with special needs. Our education project stepped into that void, helping children in institutions to learn basic academics as well as life skills and some vocational training. We want to see these children understand that they have talents and aptitudes, to see that life has purpose and that they can make a meaningful contribution to society as well as making a living for themselves.
Adaptive Equipment Project
In Kyrgyzstan, children with special needs have been unable to leave their rooms and participate in family and community life. This project aims to provide adaptive equipment produced from local resources, along with training, to assist families with these children.
Therapeutic Horse Riding Project
The Kyrgyz people pride themselves on their horsemanship. However, children with disabilities have not been able to participate in this aspect of the culture. CDI’s horse-riding therapy project allows children with special needs to interact with animals and benefit from skeletal-muscular exercise.
Program Stories
Returning Home for School
Early on, it was apparent that Mukaram had significant learning difficulties. Her pace of learning […]