History and Locations

With the fall of the USSR in 1991, a physician in Indiana in the US learned of needs in Soviet Central Asia. He chartered Crosslink International in 1992 and led a team to understand and treat anaemia among schoolchildren in Uzbekistan. By 1999, Crosslink expanded to do more extensive training in health education in rural communities and some small business initiatives. Early in the 21st century, the organization was re-chartered as Crosslink Development International, adding an additional office in Uzbekistan, one in northern Afghanistan, and one in southern Kyrgyzstan. Political upheaval in Uzbekistan and Afghanistan led to the closing of those offices, but the work in Kyrgyzstan grew, with new initiatives in helping children at risk, especially those with disabilities. By 2013, there were 3 offices in 3 different regions of Kyrgyzstan. By now there are approximately 50 staff members in the 3 offices.
A fourth office is planned to open 2025. Programs and projects have opened and closed, changed and grown, but the commitment to seeing communities transformed has held strong into the 2020’s.