Computer Kids

Seven kids hover over computer monitors, most of them sharing a screen, as they carefully follow directions from their teacher. They are taking a computer class provided by CDI at an orphanage near Bishkek. We have written previously about the education efforts that CDI is involved in for children with special needs. Unfortunately, due to financial support being lower than expected this year, we have been unable to retain the majority of our teachers.

Azamat is the one exception at this orphanage. He grew up in this very orphanage, went to college, and now works for CDI teaching kids living in similar situations to his own childhood. His classes keep getting bigger. He used to only have one computer, but now, due to a partner in the US who was able to locate used computers, he now has six! They are all in use. Kids call out to him for assistance throughout the class, and he patiently helps work through the problems step by step.

If you are interested in supporting Azamat’s work, and helping us pay the salaries for other teachers, please go to the donate tab on CDI website.